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  • The Ombudsman appeals to the responsibility of Cullera City Council and the Generalitat to complete the development works affecting 72 public houses in Cullera

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The Ombudsman appeals to the responsibility of Cullera City Council and the Generalitat to complete the development works affecting 72 public houses in Cullera

The Ombudsman appeals to the responsibility of Cullera City Council and the Generalitat to complete the development works affecting 72 public houses in Cullera

The Regional Ombudsman of Valencia, José Cholbi, has addressed Cullera City Council and the Conselleria of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment to recommend, within their respective competencies , to do their utmost to ensure that development works are completed promptly and therefore to allow the occupation of 72 public houses built in the Xúquer Boulevard in Cullera.

This is the response of the Valencian Regional Ombudsman to the complaint filed by an affected person reporting that, after two and a half years waiting for their houses, once they are completed, we cannot move in because there is no light.

Cholbi’s decision reminds Administrations that according to section 143 of the LUV (Valencia Development Law) la demora injustificada durante la realización y terminación de las obras, salvo las prórrogas que procedan, será objeto de análogas penalidades a las previstas en la legislación general de contratación administrativa relativa al contrato de obras (…). Moreover, Cholbi also adds that section 165.2 of that Law states that (…) el propietario que contribuya a las cargas de la urbanización podrá exigir que el urbanizador la ejecute con la diligencia de un buen empresario y que la administración actuante tutele la actuación (…)

According to the Ombudsman, taking into consideration the aforementioned sections of the LUV, Cullera City Council should take all measures within its power to ensure that development works are completed as soon as possible. For its part, the Conselleria of Infrastructure, Planning and the Environment “should also promote the solution of technical problems related to electricity supply and take appropriate measures to prevent further delays in the completion and delivery of properties, inconveniencing legitimate owners, who fear losing the aids and funding received. “

The Ombudsman is fully aware of the problems that the economic crisis has generated in the urban development of Valencian municipalities. However, in this specific case, Cholbi is convinced that families and people suffering undue delay in their properties delivery bear the worst of this crisis. Therefore, the ombudsman expects that both the City Council and the mentioned Conselleria be sensitive and open to these difficulties so that these people can finally live in their homes as soon as possible.

Legal texts are published in their original language

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